Arbitrability of Oppression and Mismanagement Petitions in India: Dilemma of Courts

Overview of the Post :
"Various rulings of Indian Courts have led to development of the
jurisprudence regarding the arbitrability of NCLT disputes in India. Firstly
one needs to analyse the origin and context of the issue of arbitrability of
NCLT disputes prior and post the entry into force of the Arbitration Act 1996. Secondly
,discussion on the jurisprudence of Indian Courts in this area, again, pre- and
post-Arbitration Act 1996 ."
The impasse over the arbitrability of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) disputes has been the debating point in domestic as well as international arbitrations. The Companies Act 1956 contains several provisions to protect the interest of minority shareholders of a company against unfair corporate management, most notable among them being the power conferred upon the shareholders to file a petition for oppression and mismanagement.
The impasse over the arbitrability of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) disputes has been the debating point in domestic as well as international arbitrations. The Companies Act 1956 contains several provisions to protect the interest of minority shareholders of a company against unfair corporate management, most notable among them being the power conferred upon the shareholders to file a petition for oppression and mismanagement.
Law and the current situation.
Section 241 and 242 of the Companies Act
2013, the NCLT possesses statutory jurisdiction to provide relief in cases of
oppression and mismanagement, where it is shown that either the conduct of the
majority shareholders is oppressive, or the affairs of the company are
conducted in a manner prejudicial to the public interest.[1] The nature of this
relief is unique, in the sense that within the Indian judicial system it can only be granted by the NCLT. However,
the arbitrability of disputes on oppression and mismanagement remains not
expressly prohibited by the 2013 Act and parties often turn the uncertainty of
law to their favour, by referring such disputes to arbitration. Indian Courts
have often elaborated and discussed the scope and nature of arbitrability of
such cases, often reaching conflicting conclusions, prejudicing the statutory
With the rise of shareholder activism in India and the
simultaneous growth of arbitration as a preferred method of dispute settlement,
the Indian judiciary is increasingly facing a dilemma about the extent to which
arbitration can be used as a means to redress shareholders' grievances. Interestingly,
while in some of these cases, the High Court referred the matter to arbitration
pursuant to an arbitration clause in the shareholders' agreement/ articles of
association of the company, in several other cases, the High Court declared
that the shareholders' oppression suit is per se non-arbitrable.
Arbitrability of NCLT Disputes in cases of oppression and mismanagement.
“Arbitrability” is not defined under
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 of India. But Supreme Court in the
landmark case of Booz Allen
Hamilton v. SBI Home Finance Ltd. and Ors[2] defined
“arbitrable” disputes as ones :
§ arising from the arbitration agreement;§ that parties have referred to arbitration; and§ capable of being adjudicated through arbitration.
While adjudication of disputes with respect to points (i) and (ii)
has been consistently scrutinized by Indian Courts, the question of which
disputes are capable of being referred to arbitration has largely been the
jurisprudence of the courts pre and post the Arbitration Act of 1996.
The 1996 Act states that an arbitral award rendered on in not
arbitrable disputes can be set aside by Courts.[3] Disputes
generally considered not arbitrable are disputes relating to rights
in rem (rights associated with
property) ,but rights in personam (rights based on relationships) are amenable to private arbitration. For Example, insolvency and winding-up
proceedings, probate matters, and divorce, among others, are usually
considered inarbitrable. Whereas the case of a breach of contract resulting
from insolvency is arbitrable.
Prima facie,
oppression claims appear to be a right in personam since they can only be filed by aggrieved members against
oppressing members. By virtue of the Booz Allen case[4] discussed
below, these claims should be considered arbitrable. However, such claims arise
from activities conducted in a manner prejudicial to the public interest, and
it is a settled position of law that rights vested in the public interest
cannot be waived by contractual provisions.[5] From
this second standpoint, claims of oppression and mismanagement should be
considered inarbitrable. Thus, one may reach different conclusions depending on
the line of argument followed.
Jurisprudence of the Courts - pre and post Arbitration Act of 1996.
Position :
· Prior to the Arbitration Act of 1996,
the NCLT had exclusive jurisdiction in dealing with oppression and
mismanagement claims. Under section 34 of the Arbitration Act 1940, Courts
followed a consistent approach , that disputes concerning section 402 of the
1956 Act (now section 241 of the 2013 Act) could not be referred to
· In Surendra Kumar Dhawan v. R. Vir [6], the Delhi High Court held that such disputes are within the
purview of ‘statutory jurisdiction’, which cannot be ousted by an arbitration
clause, by virtue of section 9 of the 1956 Act .
· Similarly, in O.P. Gupta v. Sfflv General Finance (P) Ltd.
and Ors.[7] the
Delhi High Court reiterated the same position, holding that ‘…[the] Companies Act, 1956 has given
exclusive jurisdiction and indeed the duty to the Court to protect the
interests of shareholders and creditors etc. of Companies.’ The Court
further held that ‘it would be entirely
useless to direct that this matter shall be referred to some arbitrator to be
appointed by the parties. Such an arbitrator would have no powers and could not
pass any order either under Section 402 or 403. The appointment of such an
arbitrator would be a complete waste of time as he would be unable to pass
any orders at all in the case’.
· Bombay High Court in 1985 in the case
of Manavendra Chitnis and Anr. v.
Leela Chitnis Studios P. Ltd. and Ors.,[8] held that ‘a petition
under Sections 397 and 398 cannot be the subject-matter of an arbitration, for
an arbitrator can have no powers such as are conferred on the court, such as
Section 402 of the Companies Act’.
· In the cases above, the arbitration
agreement formed part of the Articles of Association instead of a separate
agreement. Hence, it can be contended that the power to override the memorandum
and articles under section 9 of the Companies Act 1956 played a crucial
part in the inclination of the Court to arrive at such a conclusion.
Position :
· With the introduction of the 1996
Arbitration Act, the discretion earlier vested with the Courts to refer the
disputes under Part I of the Act to arbitration was taken away by an amendment
to section 8 of the 1956 Companies Act. The Act now provides mandatory
reference to arbitration in circumstances where the arbitration agreement
exists between the parties, and one of the parties has made a reference to
arbitration, subject to the agreement being valid and operative.[9]
· In the landmark Supreme Court case
of Haryana Telecom v Sterlite
Industries[10] , Division Bench in
response to an application under section 8 of the 1996 Act, held that section 8
only contemplates referral of such disputes which the arbitrator is competent
to decide. Therefore, the Court dismissed the request for a winding-up petition
to arbitration by virtue of the fact that only the Companies Act possessed the
necessary power to adjudicate such disputes.
· While Haryana Telecom conclusively determined the
arbitrability of winding-up petitions, it also led to widespread confusion in
respect of the reference of oppression claims to arbitration. In subsequent
cases on this issue, the Courts took the view that principles applicable to
winding-up petitions could not be extended to oppression and mismanagement
claims. The only threshold to be considered is the fulfilment of requirements
as contemplated under section 8 of the Arbitration Act, namely, the existence
of a valid arbitration agreement, the commonality of the parties and the
subject matter, and the filing of the application before the submission of the
first statement on the dispute.
· This shift in position post-Arbitration
Act 1996 made it obligatory for judicial authorities to refer the dispute to
arbitration. This was later observed by the Courts consistently in Escorts Finance,[11] Naveen Kedia,[12] Khandwala Securities Ltd[13] and
other cases.
· The position of law was summarised
in Bhadresh Kantilal Shah[14] as
While considering a petition under sections
397/398 (now section 241 and 242 of the 2013 Companies Act), the Company Law
Board (CLB) (now NCLT) is “seized of an action”; The right to file a petition concerning
oppression claims arises out of the commercial relationship between the
shareholders and the company; The principles applicable to winding-up
proceedings do not necessarily apply to oppression claims; The provisions of the Arbitration Act
1996 are not repugnant to the provisions under section 9 of the Companies Act; The CLB is bound to refer disputes to
arbitration if the requirements of section 8 of the Arbitration Act are
· In subsequent cases, the Company Law
Board deviated from its position by laying down a test to refer such disputes
to arbitration, instead of the blanket qualification previously advocated. As
laid down in Gautam Kapur v. Limrose Engineering[15] and Sudarshan
Chopra v. Company Law Board[16], the test considered whether the allegations of
oppression/mismanagement contained therein could be adjudicated without
reference to the terms of the arbitration agreement. If the answer to this is
yes, then the question of reference to arbitration does not arise. The CLB also
established that the statutory jurisdiction of parties cannot be ousted, even
with the consent of the parties.
· In 2007, Madras State’s High Court in Sporting Pastime India Ltd. v. Kasturi &
Sons Ltd., [17]changed the position
again, by re-invoking the blanket ban on the reference of disputes to
arbitration. Aside from hailing the fact that the CLB is empowered to deal
with oppression claims independently, it clarified that it cannot be said that
the issues involved in the arbitration and the issues coming under sections 397
and 398 (now section 241) are two different issues, and the scope of the
petition filed under sections 397 and 398 will, therefore, be quite distinct
from the scope of the arbitration clause contained in the agreement.
· Above reasoning was reiterated in Rakesh Malhotra v. Rajinder Malhotra[18],
where the Court, once again, upheld the rule laid down in Haryana Telecom, stating that
only those disputes in which the arbitrator is competent or empowered to decide
can be referred to arbitration. However, the Court seems to have created a
small window of exceptions, allowing the arbitrability of cases where the
petition is found to be malafide or
Indian Courts have considered claims
concerning oppression and mismanagement as primarily inarbitrable, holding that
the statutory jurisdiction of the NCLT cannot be ousted. It is true that Courts
have digressed in their views at different points in time (such as in the Sporting Pastime and Rakesh Malhotra cases), but
these contrasting decisions seem to have been dictated by the factual
circumstances of the cases at issue.
Thus, although a complete overview of
the jurisprudence on this issue seems to show that the position of the Courts
on the issue of arbitrability of oppression and mismanagement claims remains
inconclusive, early signs appear to have emerged in the case law leaning against the arbitrability of
such disputes overall.
Aditya Jain is Advocate on Record at Supreme Court of India and Partner at J&G Advocates
Neha Gyamlani is an Advocate at Rajasthan High Court/Supreme Court and Partner at J&G Advocates
[1] Shanti
Prasad Jain v. Kalinga Tubes Ltd.,
(1965) 35 Comp Cases 351.
[2] (2011) 5 SCC 532
[3] Section 34(2)(b) and 48(2) of
the Arbitration Act 1996.
[4] (2011) 5 SCC 532
[5] Abdul Waheedkhan Pathan v. Reny Charles Pavey and Anr., AIR 1965
Kant 303
[6] 1977 47 Company Cases 276.
[7] [1977] 47 Comp Cas 279 (Delhi).
[8] [1985] 58 Comp Cas 113 (Bom)
[9] Takshila Hospitals Ltd. v. Dr. Jagmohan Mathur, (2002) 50 CLA 51
[10] AIR 1999 SC 2354
[11] Escorts Finance Ltd. v. G.R. Solvents, (1999) 96 Comp Cas 323
[12] Naveen Kedia and Ors. v. Chennai
Power Generation Ltd.(1999) 95 Comp
Cas 640 (CLB-PB)
[13] Khandwala Securities Ltd. v.
Kowa Spinning Ltd. [1999] 97 Comp
Cas 632
[14] Bhadresh Kantilal Shah v. Magotteaux International, (2002) 111 Comp Cas
220 (CLB).
[15] 2005 128 Comp Cas 237 CLB
[16] 2004 (2) ARB. LR 241
[17] 2007(1) ARBLR99 (Madras).
[18] (2015) 2 Comp LJ 288 (Bom).
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